Last month while in Las Vegas my wife and I were lucky enough to catch the Love Show at The Mirage. For those of you who don’t know, the love show is Cirque du Soleil meets The Beatles. During the show I was flushed with memories of my parents when I was a kid. I grew up listening to their music and never realized it.
Since we’ve returned from our trip we can’t seem to get enough of them. There’s been quite a big buzz around them with the latest release of Rock Band. In the last two weeks we’ve consumed hours of their music, watched countless TV shows, and even bought a CD (their catalog isn’t available on iTunes so we had to go old school.) I guess you could say we got into our own mini Beatlemania.
What’s most amazing is this group from fifty years ago still has the ability to Rock Me. These guys were more than just a band, they were influencers. They created trends in music and clothing which the masses eagerly followed.
This made me think, Am I setting trends in Social Media?
Social Media allows us to reach more people then we ever could before. The first step to being a trendsetter is to make sure the quality of what you do is something to be proud of. The Beatles didn’t make hits by thinking about what the fans would like, they made hits that their fans liked.
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