This is the second installment of an eight part series inspired by Chris Brogan’s post, “If I Were a REALTOR.”
In yesterdays post we covered the importance of Blogging as a part of your overall social media plan. The second thing that Chris suggested to REALTORs was to take lots of Photos of your area and post them on your blog. So today I’m going to give you some tips on how photos can help your blogging.
Photos add a nice feel to your blog, that’s why it’s important to choose the best images to reinforce your story. If you haven’t noticed, I use a photo in every post.
- Because even if my headline doesn’t draw you in, there’s a chance that the photo may be enough to get you to click. On the web attention is precious, people make the decision whether or not they’re interested in what you have to say in a split second. If you’ve got a good photo, you’ve just increased your chances of turning that attention into a click.
- Photos also make for easy blog post. You can just post an image along with a small description an voila, you have today’s update.
- And last, but not least. Photos can help with your SEO (Search Engine Optimization.) If you’re not taking advantage of this little trick, you need to implement it NOW. When you upload photos to your posts you should name them something similar to the Post Title.
For instance, you see the photo directly below?
When you move your mouse over this photo, what do you see?
You should see something that looks like this:
That’s the name or the “tag” I gave the photo when I uploaded it. Notice how the tag is the same as my post title which reinforces my keywords in this post? Now you know the secret to using photos and improving your Search Engine Optimization.
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This was installment number two in a series of eight posts to help REALTORs leverage New Media in their Real Estate business. Get the next 6 delivered to your email inbox by subscribing to our feed.
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