Psssst, Did you hear about the Virtual Real Estate BarCamp?

Hey Gang,
I wanted to give you the heads up on an interview I just did with Steve Rosenbaum from Social Media Do’s and Dont’s.  Steve is going to be one of the speakers at the event on Monday December 4th.  You can view all the planned session and speakers HERE.

What is the Virtual Real Estate BarCamp?

Just in case you haven’t heard about the Real Estate BarCamp, let me tell you a little more.

  • It’s a one Day Online Event
  • There are 28 Speakers
  • Event topics will include using Social Media to generate more business
  • There is NO CHARGE to attend the event
  • As if you need even more reasons to sign up for this event, here’s a list of 40 clear reasons why you need to register for Real Estate BarCamp.

    Sneak preview of the #VREBC

    I know that you have  a bit of time between now and the VREBC on Monday, so why not use some of that time to get primed and ready for all the action?   Steve and I decided to give you a sneak preview of the hottest speakers coming to the Virtual Real Estate BarCamp.

    All you have to do is visit to access the 17 preview calls that Steve has recorded.