The web is on fire with the news of Facebook’s Open Graph. But the real question is, What do these changes mean to us as Real Estate Agents?
My thoughts on Facebook’s Open Graph
The web has been social for ages, Facebook just made it mainstream (with over 400,000,000 users.) As an agent, this is the hottest place to be. The open graph will open doors for us to build communities.
It’s about time someone has stepped in to help us make the web more social, and the new plugins available are going to make it easier.
New Facebook plugins you should keep an eye on
The Like Button: I’ve already got an email in to my webmaster to add this one to my site.
Why? This button not only makes it easier for users to share content back to their network, but also creates a profile of things they have “liked.” Facebook compiles this information and makes suggestions of other similar content (can you say Personalized web experience?)
The Recommendations plugin: Is going to be a great tool for Real Estate Agents.
Why? This plugin will recommend content to your user (website visitors) based on what their friends have liked on your page. Savvy agents building community centric networks can leverage this tool to increase viral visibility.
The Activity Feed Plugin: It’s social proof.
Why? This plugin will show users what their friends have liked and shared on your page. This creates “Social Proof” that your network is both active and engaged. When people see this proof, they are more likely to get involved.
What do these new changes mean to you?
Chances are that many of the people in your sphere are already using Facebook. These new changes make it easier to bring the “Social” part of social networking to your site. Used properly these tools will increase your sphere online while also increasing your web traffic.
Have you got questions about these changes?
I know you have more questions on this topic, that’s why Doug and I have decided the best thing to do is host a webinar this week to answer them.
Topic: What do the new changes to Facebook mean to You?
Date: Thursday April 29th
Time: 7:00 pm EST
To join this training just click the blue button below and RSVP
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