Reading between the Lines | You want more traffic.

Jee Whiz, I’m thrilled that you took a moment to read this post.  Here’s the deal…

I have a feeling that my readers [YOU] want to know how to get more traffic to your site.  It’s actually more than a feeling- it’s an educated guess.  Check out the photos below to see what I mean.

145 clicks and a “Wow” = You want more traffic…right?

Now it’s up to my readers [YOU] to let me know – in the comments section below – Do you want more traffic to your site?

  • Dejaniera Little

    great post…I have to figure this one out Jonathan…I definitely want more traffic to both my fan page and my KW website

  • It’s funny- it wasn’t too long ago when everyone just wanted a website- nowadays they want traffic to 😉 I’ll be sure to put together some great traffic tips to share with you. Thanks for reading, and keep an eye out for some of those “Traffic Posts” DJ.

  • Anonymous

    Glad we provided a wow moment! That post has been getting crazy good feedback. Thanks for featuring it and I love the bud url tip to track stats even when they aren’t going to your site!

  • It’s fun when you get to see those light bulbs turn on with people putting thing together for the first time — It’s like Magic!

    I’m wondering what kind of guest post I could write for Tech Savvy Agent (providing you wanted one) about getting traffic. Any ideas Chris?

  • Anonymous

    I think list building would go over huge so assume we have given them some great ways to get the traffic, how to convert? You do so much testing and are using things like Bud URL and Aweber that I know a lot of agents on our site would LOVE to learn more about.