Social Media Tips: Adding a video welcome to your Linked In Profile.

In today’s social media tip I want to share something that’s better than peanut butter and jelly (well, maybe not better – but still pretty cool.)

You know Linked In is a hot business network.

You know video is a hot marketing tool.

After watching this video you’ll know how to combine the two.

PS- If you thought this was cool, you won’t want to miss what’s coming up.  Subscribe now and you’ll never miss another cool Social Media tip.

  • Thanks Jonathan for the tip. This is definitely a work-around because there must be some reason why LinkedIn doesn’t already have a youtube or some other video sharing app. in it’s app directory. With this work-around, you’ve given me and hundreds of others licensed to speak to our potential connections. That’s AWESOME!

  • Stef

    Nice One!! I’m definately going to share this post as I was just discussing the benefits of LinkedIn with my colleagues the other day. I need to start using this platform more myself!

  • Twitted this. Great tip. Now if I can only get Google Docs to select the right video. The service seems to be resisting a new video uploaded or an old one. Now that I think about it, both of those are High Def (720P) so I will can one in 640×480.
    Also noticed that YouTube has enabled some accounts for unlimited length videos. Though I feel special, I am sure that ability is going out to a few zillion YT users.
    Thanks for the posto!

  • Update:Be patient as it seems to take up to an hour AND you have to name your videos with some specificity as searching by profile won’t always bring up the video you want. Also, I did finally get the HD file to load into a presentation.

  • Hi Jonathan!

    Great tip and I did a video. I notice your video is not displaying on your profile. Did they disable this ability or did you take you video offline?

    I have to wait until my video displays on Youtube.


  • My theory is get GREAT at one platform, then you’ve earned the right to move on. I feel like I’ve earned a status on Facebook, so now I’m focused on Twitter – but Linked In will be after that 😉

  • You know what’s funny about this video – take a look at it on You Tube – it’s 7 months old. The first time I posted this no one cared. You know me, I like to hack things to make them better.

  • You have to go to my full profile to see the video >> and sometimes you have to refresh, but it’s there.

  • Great tip on naming your video – see what I named mine (to make it easy to find.) Glad you were able to make it work, shoot me a link when it’s done.

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