5 WordPress Plugins You Should be using.


RealTechGuy Radio Episode 39

One of the most popular questions I hear when people are installing Worpdress is, “What Plugins Should I use?” On todays show I’m going to share the best WordPress plugins you should be using on every site you build.

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  • why don’t plugins work on WordPress.com? I have been using it for a few years and it looks like I have to open up a wordpress.org site to get plug ins. Also I am a novice looking for a blog writer for content. Do you recommend any service. I started with thesis and I went into genesis free version. I am thinking about taking my oldest website http://www.jeffreybowen.com and moving it to a wordpress.org website. Will I lose all of my old indexed and ranked pages? I will use the plugins once I get over to the .org website.

  • Hey Jeff, I guess my first question to you would be, “Why are you using WordPress.com instead of your own hosted WordPress site?”

    Unless you’re getting MAJOR traffic to your old site I wouldn’t worry too much about ranking. You should be able to recover key spots with well planned content.

    One thing Google factors into your rankings is the age of your domain, since you’re thinking of building a new site on an old domain that’ll work in your favor. – but if you’re really worried about it, why not just grab a new domain to install WP on?

    As for content writing – just ask for recommendations from people you know first. It really depends on your budget. You can also try outsourcing companies, but you have to be very deliberate in who you hire or you might get some wacky content 😉

    Thanks for listening to the show.

  • Another great talk, so much great info, thanks, it’s changing the way I do business for sure, can’t wait to get huge results!

  • Are you already using WordPress Lollie? These are definitely some cool plugins.

  • Mary Mclean

    Geez I feel like such a dummy, but what is a plug-in?

  • Mary McLean

    One more. How and where do you use wordpress? I’m a techie dummy.

  • Hi Mary, I recommend you start with GOOGLE – and search for those answers. The short answer is this website is WordPress and plugins are thing that you add to WordPress for functionality.