If you’re a regular reader, you know I’m a HUGE fan of the 4 Hour Work Week. Part of the philosophy of the new rich is never to be tied to a location to run your business.
Today I’m going to share the apps I use to run my business on the go. I’ll list them in order of importance.

This is my main Dashboard
10 Must Have Mobile apps
1. Basecamp: This is a web based project managements software that I couldn’t live without. I run my projects, my teams, and my communications through it.
It’s very easy to use and flexible and the app is just as good as the web version. (This app is available for Basecamp subscribers via the web – not the app store.)
2. Mini Books: This is the app version of Freshbooks, an online invoicing, time tracking, and billing software. I’m a stickler about tracking my time, and mini books allows me to do all of the above via my iPhone. (FYI this app costs $15.)
3. Pay Pal: Getting paid online has never been easier than with Pay Pal. The Pay Pal apps allows me to keep track of money coming in, transfers, and all sorts of other cool stuff. This is a must have app.
4. Google: This app brings all the power of Google to your fingertips. Everything from voice to docs, it’s in here and it works beautifully.
5. Facebook: Do I really need to explain this? Facebook = Marketing. Enough Said.
6. Evernote: This is my second brain. You can take notes, save links, save images all while you’re on the go. The best part is that it syncs with the cloud and all your devices. (I’ll write more about this in the future, but you can checkout this great post by my buddy Mike about Evernote.)
7. Hootsuite: I mainly use this for Twitter, but it also pulls in Linked In and Facebook. This is a great way to keep an eye on the social chatter while you’re on the go.
8. Yelp: When I’m on the road Yelp always helps me find the best places to eat. We’re moving to a world a peer recommendation and there’s no better example of how that works than Yelp. (there’s also a whole strategy on how you can become a community expert and resource using Yelp – but I’ll save that for another post.)
9. FourSquare: You think check ins, I think making history. Foursquare allows me to get connected with the community, take photos, tie them to locations, and create my own history. (maybe it’s just the geek in me, but I see big things for this location based stuff in our futures.)
10. Linked In: I still think this network is under utilized. If you’re looking for B2B connections, Linked In is second only to Twitter. The app keeps me up to date on what’s going on in my sphere and is great for in person networking with their bump feature.
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