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RealTechGuy Radio Episode 50
Hey, it looks like my podcast plugin is having some technical issues.
Either way, I want to make sure you get this episode, because Drew shared some REALLY cool stuff. You can download the episode by right clicking the link below.
Right Click —-> http://www.blogtalkradio.com/realtechguyradio/2011/04/06/want-to-know-how-to-use-wordpress-strategically.mp3
I’m trying something new – if you like it let me know.
Scroll down to see the Live chat during the show. Towards the end it got really lively when a debate about klout started. Some of the smart people in the chat included:
Chris Smith: Tech Savvy Agent
Angie Perez: Agent Know How
RealTechGuy Radio Episode 50
Today my buddy Drew Burks joins us to share some strategies to help you.
Last time Drew joined us on Episode #32 where he shared some ideas on Lifestyle Design and The Four Hour Workweek.
On this show you’ll learn:
- Why You should be using WordPress
- The 4 Biggest Mistakes when using WordPress & how to avoid them.
- 3 Step Formula to writing great content
Plus I’ve added a little “easter egg” for you real fans 😉
If you liked this episode then why don’t you stop by iTunes and RATE the show? It would mean a lot to me 😉
To Rate the show Click Here.
Tune In Live
Real-TechGuy Radio airs every Wednesday morning at 9 am EST.
Just in case you missed the live chat, I’ve included the transcript below. Thanks for tuning in and enjoy the show!
HERE’s Bonus Chat:
*** (17:48:40):Welcome to the RealTechGuy Chat Room.
RealTechGuy says (17:52:37):
Waussup yall?
RealTechGuy says (17:57:36):
TSA – we’re together AGAIN? Twice in two days.
Tech Savvy Agent says to (17:58:45):
Everyday I’m hustlin
RealTechGuy says (17:59:49):
No kidding bro, I admire and respect that about you
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:00:00):
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:00:03):
gift and the curse
RealTechGuy says (18:00:17):
Uh Yeah
RealTechGuy says (18:00:19):
Uh Yeah
NyssaSmith says to (18:00:23):
Nyssa’s in the house!
RealTechGuy says (18:00:32):
Hey Nyssa, nice to see you again.
NyssaSmith says to (18:00:43):
Right back at ch!
NyssaSmith says to (18:00:45):
RealTechGuy says (18:00:47):
RealTechGuy says (18:01:29):
The Queue has inspired me to do video more
NyssaSmith says to (18:01:57):
Video rocks!
RealTechGuy says (18:01:56):
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:02:19):
ChristineGarber says to (18:02:31):
hi everyone
NyssaSmith says to (18:02:36):
I can’t hear anything yet. Am I doing something wrong?
NyssaSmith says to (18:02:42):
Hey Christine!
RealTechGuy says (18:02:43):
Facebook Traffic Blueprint??? MyFreeAudioGift <—- 93% conversion page
ChristineGarber says to (18:03:11):
how long will this show be?
RealTechGuy says (18:03:14):
199 Referrals Last Month
RealTechGuy says (18:03:21):
30 minutes
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:03:35):
Do people actually call you Real Tech Guy? LOL
RealTechGuy says (18:03:45):
No one does
RealTechGuy says (18:03:49):
but I keep trying 😉
ChristineGarber says to (18:03:54):
ok,… if i get called away, will it be available later? (newbie questions)
RealTechGuy says (18:04:04):
Sure, especially in iTunes
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:04:25):
RealTechGuy says (18:04:24):
I’ll email you a link if you want Christime
ChristineGarber says to (18:04:28):
NyssaSmith says to (18:04:29):
I still can’t hear…
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:04:33):
you must have points on RAWre
RealTechGuy says (18:04:35):
Refresh page Nyssa
NyssaSmith says to (18:04:43):
Ok. Will do
ChristineGarber says to (18:04:48):
please do,..that will help
RealTechGuy says (18:04:52):
Raw hired me to help them sell ***
NyssaSmith says to (18:05:09):
Woo! Now I can hear! Thanks! 😀
RealTechGuy says (18:05:09):
I need working sales funnels – hardly anyone has them
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:05:10):
Smart move by them
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:05:25):
hardly anyone has tribes and trust
RealTechGuy says (18:05:35):
I can’t wait to come back and be their Super Affiliate 😉
JohnZiemba says to (18:05:40):
still cant hear
RealTechGuy says (18:05:40):
Bonus at end of show 😉
RealTechGuy says (18:05:46):
Refresh John
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:05:58):
nice! I like bonuses
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:06:18):
FWIW I can hear just fine
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:06:23):
but I am on a Mac 🙂
RealTechGuy says (18:06:29):
It’s actually clips from our phone conversation before the interview
RealTechGuy says (18:07:39):
No problem – Chris and I fixed that Page 😉 thanks TSA
NyssaSmith says to (18:07:40):
JohnZiemba says to (18:08:08):
Still cant hear 🙁 it says on air
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:08:14):
heck ya we did in 24 hours baby
RealTechGuy says (18:08:19):
Weird John- try different browser
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:08:34):
For those of you that can not hear please call the number
NyssaSmith says to (18:08:49):
I had same problem John, but when I hit refresh it worked. I’m on a Mac
RealTechGuy says (18:08:51):
That page comes up in google search for tech savvy agent (even when not logged into my account) THANKS
NyssaSmith says to (18:09:28):
Content Management System. I like thinking of it like that.
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:09:36):
those companies are screwed btw
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:09:39):
all of them
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:09:44):
every single one
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:09:55):
24 months max before they are not selling
JohnZiemba says to (18:09:58):
Firefox to the rescue woo hoo
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:10:07):
careful Drew I get royalties when you say Tech Savvy
NyssaSmith says to (18:10:16):
Yay John!
RealTechGuy says (18:10:22):
Welcome John
JohnZiemba says to (18:10:29):
RealTechGuy says (18:10:43):
Funny Chris, you really think so?
AudelizPerez says to (18:11:09):
RealTechGuy says (18:11:19):
Hey Hey Angie – you made it to the 50 PARTY 😉
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:11:40):
people look to the thought leaders for what to do and NONE of them are saying anything but WP
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:11:46):
hey Angie
AudelizPerez says to (18:11:49):
yeah! I had to download firefox. long story for my late arrival
AudelizPerez says to (18:11:52):
NyssaSmith says to (18:11:55):
h1 tag – float the text over the image. Is that what he said?
RealTechGuy says (18:12:07):
I think so Nyssa
AudelizPerez says to (18:12:10):
You’re back from Conference row!
NyssaSmith says to (18:12:23):
P – A – R – T – Y
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:12:23):
h1 h2 permalinks all confuse me big time so I can imagine agents
RealTechGuy says (18:12:22):
I’m considering having transcripts done for the show – would that be helpful?
RealTechGuy says (18:12:44):
That’s why I use WP – makes that a lot easier to manage.
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:13:58):
100% the truth
RealTechGuy says (18:13:57):
We talk more about this in the bonus at the end
RealTechGuy says (18:14:16):
HAAAA Just what you said TSA
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:14:23):
If you do 100 push ups a day…
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:14:25):
same theory
RealTechGuy says (18:15:23):
Here comes the formula
RealTechGuy says (18:15:35):
NyssaSmith says to (18:15:41):
We want traffic! 😉
RealTechGuy says (18:15:40):
Who’s reading this?
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:15:56):
This is A+ advice guys
RealTechGuy says (18:15:57):
NyssaSmith says to (18:15:59):
Why… good thought.
NyssaSmith says to (18:16:16):
Who… another good thing to think about
VictoriaJacobs says to (18:16:29):
WOuld love a Word press for dummies
NyssaSmith says to (18:16:46):
LOL! Yep!
NyssaSmith says to (18:16:55):
(that was to Victoria)
RealTechGuy says (18:16:56):
Check out the hashtag #TheInfluenceMethod for some WP training.
NyssaSmith says to (18:17:05):
What will they type into Google to get it.
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:17:09):
I have the For Dummies market cornered 🙂
NyssaSmith says to (18:17:17):
VictoriaJacobs says to (18:17:28):
TSA, yes you do why do you think I am following you
RealTechGuy says (18:17:34):
I wonder how to get the “For Smart People” market covered? I’d like to be there 😉
Susie Blackmon says to (18:17:44):
Dummies like a fox.
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:17:48):
I have that one too Jon 🙂
NyssaSmith says to (18:17:53):
Good one Susie! 🙂
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:17:56):
hey Susie
Susie Blackmon says to (18:18:00):
Hi there.
RealTechGuy says (18:18:01):
Coppyblogger is running that on their podcast – love it
RealTechGuy says (18:18:23):
You got all markets covered. I may have a few of each.
NyssaSmith says to (18:19:26):
RealTechGuy says (18:19:52):
Content is King
RealTechGuy says (18:20:02):
it’s the key to inbound marketing.
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:20:23):
Content leads to context which leads to trust which leads to sales
RealTechGuy says (18:20:24):
been doing that with coaching students lately
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:20:30):
most won’t even do the content piece
NyssaSmith says to (18:20:31):
Good advice!
NyssaSmith says to (18:20:47):
Video interview…Hmmm…I’m on it! 🙂
RealTechGuy says (18:20:54):
DAMN TSA —-> I’ve been thinking about that and you nailed it in 12 words
RealTechGuy says (18:21:00):
“Tweet Worthy”
NyssaSmith says to (18:21:27):
Oh yea! Love it: Tech Savvy Agent: Content leads to context which leads to trust which leads to sales
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:21:46):
*tips hat*
summitareahomes says to (18:22:05):
Hey Angie!
AudelizPerez says to (18:22:16):
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:22:47):
RealTechGuy says (18:23:22):
RealTechGuy says (18:23:32):
uh oh
RealTechGuy says (18:23:54):
KLOUT = BS? I think they fixed it since then
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:24:04):
just sayin 70 Klout
RealTechGuy says (18:24:07):
NyssaSmith says to (18:24:10):
Their both important IMHO (twitter/facebook)
RealTechGuy says (18:24:19):
I rock the FB stats on klout
RealTechGuy says (18:24:32):
special bonus
AudelizPerez says to (18:24:35):
KLOUT matters b2b not so much b2c. just my opinion.
NyssaSmith says to (18:24:38):
Oh yea oh yea RTG!!!
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:24:41):
HootSuite sort by Klout is pure gold
RealTechGuy says (18:24:41):
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:24:52):
I disagree Angie
AudelizPerez says to (18:25:06):
I knew you would chris
RealTechGuy says (18:25:17):
OH CRAP – guss I’ll have to fix that later
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:25:23):
when you look for hashtags in your market and then sort by Klout you can instantly find the c’s that matter
VictoriaJacobs says to (18:25:32):
TSA your tidbits are pure gold, frig I am siging up today for hoot sutie Suzanne uses something else but I am going to check it out for myself
JohnZiemba says to (18:25:34):
Im with Angie on this one Chris
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:25:59):
Most people think things don’t work that they don’t truly understand
RealTechGuy says (18:26:07):
That matter in this space
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:26:09):
Jon now I lost audio
RealTechGuy says (18:26:17):
Yeah, I ended the show
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:26:27):
RealTechGuy says (18:26:29):
The recording got screwed up so I’ll fix it later on the podcast
VictoriaJacobs says to (18:26:33):
thats it 30 min?
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:26:36):
great stuff from Mr Drew Burks
RealTechGuy says (18:26:40):
short and sweet
AudelizPerez says to (18:26:46):
didn’t you say 70% of tweets go unread?
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:27:09):
exactly so why interact with all the lame people on Twitter
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:27:14):
you are making the case for me
AudelizPerez says to (18:27:18):
I don’t know Chris, I will let you know if Klout gets me the listing on my listing appointment
RealTechGuy says (18:27:19):
Klout isn’t just twitter stats – it shows how your network uses your contetn, doesnt it?
NyssaSmith says to (18:27:20):
So no audio now.
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:27:28):
by using Klout you pinpoint the people who might actually help you make money
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:27:43):
Again not the point Angie
NyssaSmith says to (18:27:47):
Great call Jonathan! Thank you! You rocked the HOUSE!
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:27:48):
you are looking at it wrong
AudelizPerez says to (18:28:00):
I am looking at it the agent way
JohnZiemba says to (18:28:02):
Im going to try that on the next listing appointment. I have a klout score of 58 what does the other 3 agents have
RealTechGuy says (18:28:07):
There’s a GAP – angie has agent perspective on this —- it’s different from what you and I do Chris
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:28:25):
guys you are thinking about YOUR klout score
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:28:30):
which I agree is meaningless
ChristineGarber says to (18:28:40):
thanks for the the help,.. love all the tips, bye
AudelizPerez says to (18:28:49):
yes, good tips
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:28:52):
but what if you could eliminate all the time it would normally take to find influencers in your market?
summitareahomes says to (18:28:53):
Great content!!
RealTechGuy says (18:29:07):
Thanks for tuning in CG
RealTechGuy says (18:29:16):
Glad you liked it Summit
NyssaSmith says to (18:29:20):
My Klout score is a 32… Is that good? Or bad? Anyone know?
JohnZiemba says to (18:29:25):
Chris, have you done a post on how to find the influencers in your market
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:29:39):
Meaningless Nyssa
RealTechGuy says (18:29:39):
I agree the klout thing is priceless – when I saw that I bought an account
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:29:42):
just be real
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:29:52):
yes it was in the Queue
JohnZiemba says to (18:29:53):
Nyssa, its not how big the score is, its how you work with the people you influence
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:30:05):
RealTechGuy says (18:30:09):
I think the KLOUT advantage is for us seeking oppertunities not so much them finding us
NyssaSmith says to (18:30:11):
Got it! Thanks!
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:30:12):
last clip
RealTechGuy says (18:30:36):
John is on the money
NyssaSmith says to (18:30:54):
Thanks for the link TSA
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:31:03):
exactly listen don’t talk
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:31:09):
just like everything else in social
summitareahomes says to (18:31:12):
changed my marketing name from jamesrembish to summitareahomes and it’s working out well…….. guess I have KLOUT!!
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:31:15):
here is a great Klout chat
RealTechGuy says (18:31:17):
Just like everything else in LIFE
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:31:30):
JohnZiemba says to (18:31:55):
I think the problem I have, is I talk shop on twitter and havent used it to find anyone within 20 miles of where I am at
AudelizPerez says to (18:32:07):
klout would be = page rank then, those are the people to follow, the one with credibility and ability to influence
RealTechGuy says (18:32:21):
Guess what – I was able to capture this whole chat – now I’ll post it under the podcast episode as show notes 😉
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:32:40):
exactly Angie
Tech Savvy Agent says to (18:32:50):
user error John
JohnZiemba says to (18:33:25):
Yup 100% user error
RealTechGuy says (18:33:57):
Yo Chris & John & Susie & Nyssa & Angie – thank you for having coffee with me 😉