Marketing Strategies Weekly | Keywords in Your Domain

So I thought I’d try something new to bring you a little extra value in video form (because we all know HOW important they say video is, right?)

For the past eight weeks I’ve been creating weekly updates for the Real Estate Referral Group.  For some reason I didn’t really feel like it was connecting.  I’ve decided to bring you something new, something more useful, something called…

Marketing Strategies Weekly

Each week you’ll learn one new marketing strategy you can use to get more leads.  I’ll bring you the best tips I can find, but it’s up to you to implement and get results.  Without further ado, here’s episode 1.

Keywords In Your Domain



  • Dan Hill

    Good start…looking forward to you continuing this series and getting tips along the way to build my business. Would like to see some effective ways to attract listing leads.

  • Thank you for the good tip – turn the music down a bit so I can hear you better….lol

  • Turning the music down is a great suggestions – you’re not the only one who said that. Thanks Kathy.

  • I’m going to spend this month focussing on buyers Dan – but maybe we can work sellers in next month? Thanks for checking out the video Dan.

  • That’s a great case study. I am even surprised the domain name you selected in the video was even available at this point. I guess you’d be surprised how many good domain names haven’t been reged yet.

    Looking forward to the series and yes, no music. It wasn’t too loud for me, just a bit distracting.

  • Got it – getting rid of the music.

    I’m working on the content strategy and systems to automate most of this particular case study – but this is the stuff I was talking to you about on skype.