Try some Girl Scout cookies in your marketing

Have you ever run into the Girl Scouts
peddling cookies outside your grocery store?

Unfortunately for us cookie lovers,

When we see them we’re helpless against
the siren song of those yummy Samoas,

And who can resist the peanut buttery
goodness of the Tagalongs?

It’s almost as if those cunning little
Girl Scouts have setup a ‘cookie toll’
before we get what we need,

It reminds me of marketing online,

When you setup a landing page right
before you give someone what they need,

That way they can give you
what you want first –

For the girls scouts it’s money,

For you it might be a name, email address,
and working phone number from
one of your website visitors,

But Making Landing doesn’t
have to be so difficult

That’s why I’ve put together a short
22 minute mp3 that’ll give you

The 3 key ingredients
for a successful landing page

You can download it here:
(no charge and no opt in required)


PS – Just in case you were wondering,
yes this is part of my new product, the
“Landing Page Strategy Guide”

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