The Four Secret Rituals of the Rich

Dear Friend,
Are you where you thought you’d be?

If you’re not that’s OK,

Because in this post I’m gonna give you
the million dollar secret I learned in
the jungles of Costa Rica
last year

At the time I was doing cool stuff
with Facebook that caught the attention
of some mammoth internet marketers

(you know the kind that make push button millions)

They invited me down to to help them
brainstorm ideas on how they could use
Facebook for one of their products

Needless to say,

As soon as they called I grabbed two
tickets and my wife an I flew down.

I met 9 of the worlds top internet

But my favorite one
was called “The Legendary Consultant

This guy turned one persons problems
into another persons millions,

(I guess that’s why he’s legendary)

He had a funny way of looking
at the world that always resulted in
making fat profits,

One night after the days meetings ended
he and I sat drinking a beer and listening
to the melodic sounds of the jungle,

When he turned to me and said,

“Jonathan, I really like you. So I want
to help you out.

Do you want to know the secret
to my success?

I nearly jumped out of my seat
with an enthusiastic, “Hell Yeah!”

And he proceeded to tell me about the
4 rituals he does everyday without fail.

He said these four rituals gave him
a sparkling clarity that always kept
him on the right track,

Prevented him from wasting time,

And helped him make the right choices everyday,

The 4 Rituals Are:

The Gratitude Exercise


The “Money Making To do list”

The Night time notebook

I’ve been practicing these 4 rituals for
18 months and I can tell you they
really work,

My life and business have never been better,

I want you to be able to use the 4 rituals too,

So I’ve created the “4 Rituals Blueprint”,
It’ 4 videos and 3 downloadable worksheets

That’ll show you exactly how to do the exercise
(and how to get results)

And I’m giving it away as a gift
to members of the “RealTechGuy Labs”

Internet Marketing community,

But don’t worry, if you’re not a member
it’s easy, you can join here:
See you inside,


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