Would you like to avoid looking like an a$$hole online? Then you’d better read this post.

A portrait of a Real Estate Spammer
Yesterday I posted a a link to the “What’s the Point” article which wrapped up the New Media for REALTORs campaign. I figured the topic would get some discussion since we’ve been talking more about SEO lately and how to be found on Google. So here’s how it all went down…
Comment Spam: This is defined by making comments that are completely irrelevant to the current discussion, especially when they are self promotional.
Clearly you can see that this persons comment was completely off the mark, so as a good group moderator I asked him how his post was relevant and he replied:
At first I would have guessed that he didn’t know English, but judging by his reply he really does. Can anyone tell me how this comment is relevant? If so leave a comment below and enlighten me.
OK, moving on. Later on that day I found some more interesting stuff from our little friend which brings me to another kind of SPAMMY Real Estate marketing. “The Overpost”
Our friend really out did himself this time. Not only did he post under eight different topics in two different countries, but he also managed to be off topic in every one. That’s true Real Estate Marketing Spamsmanship.
Being the gentleman that I am, I gave him a chance to explain his logic.
He declined to respond and just deleted these posts from his wall. That means he was quite aware of what he was doing and decided it was easier to just forget about it.
Examples of BAD Real Estate Marketing
Now I thought I’d open this up for discussion. What are some examples of really bad real estate marketing that you’ve seen online? Share them along with your thoughts in the comments section below.
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