Using Google Adwords to Get More Traffic


If you’ve been following the No B.S. marketing to get more leads series, this week’s show is going to be real fun. Doug McIsaac and I discuss how you can use Google Adwords to get tons of targeted traffic back to your site almost instantly.

Remember, traffic (clicks) is the best way to test and idea online.  (((And just in case you’re too dense to get it… marketing is just “ideas” to get more leads.)))

Still trying to figure out how to use Google Adwords to Get More Traffic?

Just like we mentioned on the show, Perry Marshall’s the MAN when it comes to adwords.  Click on the banner below to get his 5 Day eTraining to prepare you for the adwords jungle.

Yes, this is an affiliate link, but the 5 day training is absolutely free.

  • Michaelmckenzie75

    i thought this was about using Google Adwords not about realtors posting their designations!

  • Did you listen to the whole show or just the first 10 minutes? Judging by this comment your attention only went 5 minutes deep. It's a radio show with segments.