Special Offer: Facebook Page Training

The first step to getting more business through Facebook is understanding how it works. A Facebook Fan Page is a great way to generate more leads and increase your sphere of influence online. Most REALTORs are using pages wrong and wondering why it’s not working for them.
Are you one of them?
You’re in luck, because I’ve just put the finishing touches on a new training program which will teach you:
- How to Properly Name your Facebook Fan Page
- How to build your Page (click by click)
- How to plan the launch of your page (to attract people virally)
…and you can start using what you learn immediately.
You can access all eight training videos for only $7
Yep, for only $7 dollars you get eight videos teaching you everything you need to know to get the most out of your Facebook Page. No only that, but I’ll also give you access to the Facebook Strategy MP3 30 minute lesson which lays out the exact strategy I used to build out the wildly successful Real Estate Referral Group on Facebook (a $47 value.)
I’ll be shutting down this page in just 24 hours and I won’t offer this package again.
Don’t delay, Act Now to get the most out of your Facebook Fan Page. Sign up for the training by clicking the “Buy Now” button below.