You want it Done for You?
Seriously, I didn’t really expect you to click on that button. [You know I’m just kidding, right?]
If this is still a little over your head I’d like to offer you a chance to test the latest addition to the MPX system. I’ve got a team in place that would like nothing more than to create your mobile site for you. If you’d like to take a fast track to get your first site up and running then why don’t you let us build it for you?
And since you’ve already purchased MPX, we’ll go ahead and give you the “Done for You” Mobile site for just $97.
And just for good measure, I also want you to have these three bonuses:
Bonus #1: A Free domain name for one year (typically $15)
Bonus #2: An additional copy of Thesis WordPress Theme which we will install for you (typically $87)
Bonus #3: Free Hosting on our servers for one year (typically $48)