You need a break, Take a Mini Costa Rica Vacation with me.

A couple of weeks ago I got to experience my very first Work-ation (a word invented in part by Legendary Consultant David Preston.)

Work-ation: When work seems so much like a vacation that you almost can’t tell the two apart.

For this work-ation we travelled down to Costa Rica to help a client market his Resort and Spa.  ((Can you already see the lines getting blurry between work & vacation?))  While I was there I shot some video of a Zipline Tour the Resort set up for us. –I wanted to share this video with you and ask you just one question-

Does this video look like work? or a Vacation?

  • Miriamraide

    Well, I can tell you for sure that my work doesn’t look like yours, not even closer. Good for you and your team. I’m gonna need some kind of workation in the near future… looks like a lot of fun

  • I think we’re all entitled to work-ations ___The problem is that most of us don’t figure out exactly how to make it happen.

  • Tony

    Thanks for the zip line. It brought back good memories for me in Costa Rica – La Vida Dulce!

  • I’m glad you enjoyed it Tony. When was the last time you visited Costa Rica?

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  • Life is about choices! Great shots man + good rock n roll 🙂

  • This was the trip that I finally realized I was “making it” as an internet marketer. Best part is I got to share it with my wife and some cool friends.