Yesterday I wrote about the two biggest words in marketing right now, Thank You. Today I need your help thanking one of the biggest influences of my online career, Mari Smith.
In this post I’m going to show you exactly why she’s been such a big influence, but first I need your help getting this message to her. All you have to do is hit one of those share buttons (Facebook, Twitter, or both) on the upper right hand side of this post.
A couple of weeks ago I saw this tweet come through my feed from Mari:
When I read that tweet it reminded me of how big an impact she’s had on me. I immediately started researching my history with Mari and found some really cool things.
Mari Smith helped create the Official Real Estate Referral Group…. sort of.
First I have to thank Mari for helping me create The Official Real Estate Referral Group (indirectly.) In September of 2008 she wrote a post on How to Create and Promote Your Facebook Page. When you read that post, don’t forget to scroll down the comments – comment #32 is me (before I was the Real-TechGuy.)
Yep, the page I built got 600 fans in the first week and then went viral. I took what I learned from Mari plus what I learned in practice to create the Facebook Communities Blueprint.
She also helped save the page and the community when I lost it.
Back in July 2010 Facebook Shut Down The Official Real Estate Referral Group. At that point the community had grown to 47,000 members. Luckily some a of my good friends – Chris Smith (@TechSavvyAgent) & Naomi Trower (@NaomiTrower) helped get word out to the interwebs about this travesty.
Mari got hold of the story and personally got involved to help get my community back, the community she inspired me to create two years earlier.
Thank you Mari Smith for helping me be the leader I am today.
PS- Don’t forget to help me get this “Thank You” to Mari Smith by sharing this post on Facebook and Twitter. I’d also like to thank you for reading this and even bigger thanks for sharing it!