12 Steps to Marketing Success

When Darin asked me to write this post I did everything I could to try and get out of it.  But his persistence paid off when I finally buckled down to get it done.  It made me think, what do agents really need to focus on to ensure online marketing success?

On the last episode of Real-TechGuy Radio I got a little more clarity on the ideas I’m going to share with you today.  I broke them up into 2 parts: Foundational & Strategic.

Building a foundation for Marketing Success.

This first six are things that relate to any business – Especially yours.

  1. Time?  Track your time and your pay to find out how you’re spending both.
  2. Why?  Are you building a brand or just trying to get leads?  Figure it out NOW!
  3. Where? Online? Offline? Hybrid?  Where are your customers?
  4. Words?  What words will you use for your “Pull Marketing?”
  5. What Tools and What Sites will you use? – Video? Audio?
  6. Consistency.  How often are you building and delivering content?


The next Six are what I call the “Fun Stuff” (but I’m a geek.)

  1. How are you capturing leads?  Aweber? Google Forms?
  2. Traffic – Getting any lately? SEO? PPC? Social Media? Get some for this to work.
  3. Conversions.  How many people visit your page and sign up for something?
  4. Testing?  If its working, try to break it – or make it better.
  5. Contact type? eMail? Phone?
  6. Action – Do it Now!


Now that you have the 12 steps to marketing success, what’s next?

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and wondering where to start, I recommend signing up for the “Internet Marketing Newsletter” It’s chock full of great tips and Delivered Daily – FREE.

To sign up for the “Internet Marketing eMail newsletter” Click HERE

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