Thanks for partnering with me!
Hey listen, I just want to thank you for taking the leap of faith to work together with me. I am truly grateful for your trust and I will do my best to deliver the absolute best products and services to make us all look good. Not only that, I want to prove out this model of “selling things” so we’re not all giving away our best stuff for free.
Remember what The Joker said in the Dark Knight — “If you’re good at something don’t do it for free.”
Step 1: Watch this video.
Step 2: Read this.
To get your affiliate link you’ll need to login to the affiliate panel. You should have received an email with your login info, just go to to login.
The Plan:
From 10-20-10 to 10-27-10
Your affiliate link will point to a Scribd document – It’s a 42 page report. We’ve had hundreds of people view this report already and it seems to get them excited for the product. I suggest leaking this out to your list or lists (email, twitter, facebook) to get people thinking about Mobile Marketing.
I would also recommend sending out info on Mobile Marketing in general for the next two weeks so the audience is warmed to the message.
From 10-28-10 to 11-4-10
Your affiliate link will point to the webinar opt in page.
I’ve partnered with Mr. Mike Bowler to bring our audience an interview style webinar planned for Thursday 11-4-10. Mike is a BIG shot on twitter and will be promoting this webinar heavily, so you can join him in tweeting and promoting it as well.
After my interview with Mike I will ask people to stay for a “bonus” session on using Mobile sites- which is the webinar that converted 18% just two weeks ago. From here there will be replays and follow up emails to help bolster sales.
If you have questions leave them in the comments box below- suggestions, I’m all ears.
I will be promoting this heavily to my email list as well as in the Real Estate Referral Group so it should be really easy to create buzz when we work together.
***NOTE*** I will not be using an affiliate link to promote- so if we have overlap on our lists and people click your link and buy- the sale is all yours.
PS- Do you know anyone else who would be interested in helping us promote? Invite them to become an affiliate using this link:
Update 10-27-10
Affiliate link is now pointing to the webinar page. Here’s the email I sent out today:
I just wanted to let you know that we are getting ready to do a big push to
a webinar next week.
I’ve laid out the plan for you here:
(you can also login to your affiliate account to grab your link from this page.)
This week you want to be tweeting, posting updates, and offering value around
mobile marketing. Here are some posts that I’ve come across the last couple of
days that you can share and start discussions around:
Here are some from my collection with social proof already built in (FB Shares):
I recommend mixing it up and then throwing in your affiliate link- that way people
are already on the “Mobile Narrative.”
***Remember, the webinar is 11-4-10 – so get to chatting about mobile now to
create a buzz. We’ve got some Twitter Big shots on board – I’ll help on Facebook
and together we will create a whirlwind.
Questions? Chat me up on FB or the twitter stream @Real_TechGuy.
—–I’m also doing interviews – if you want to schedule one to deliver to your audience
to build the hype- whatver we need to do to get you more exposure just let me know.