Launching YOU | Some ideas to help You launch Your business


RealTechGuy Radio Episode 64

In this weeks show you’re gonna learn some ideas that’ll help you launch your business online.

Inspired by Michael Stelzner’s new book, “Launch” you’ll learn about the Elevation Principle and how to fuel your launch with primary fuel and nuclear fuel.

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Tune In Live

Real-TechGuy Radio airs every Wednesday morning at 9 am EST.

Just in case you missed the live chat, I’ve included the transcript below. Thanks for tuning in and enjoy the show!

<—– Begin Chat —–>

*** (07:56:41):Welcome to the RealTechGuy Chat Room.
RealTechGuy says (07:56:59):
Hi and welcome to Real-TechGuy Radio #64
RealTechGuy says (07:57:19):
"Launching YOU | Some ideas to help You launch Your business"
RealTechGuy says (07:57:38):
Hey Robert, nice to see you buddy.  Thanks for tuning in.
RealTechGuy says (07:58:27):
Hey Lynda - nice to see you this morning ;)
LyndaWhite says to  (07:58:39):
Hi buds =)
Robert Schwabe says to  (07:59:37):
Good Morning John
Robert Schwabe says to  (08:00:43):
Hi Lynda
LyndaWhite says to  (08:01:20):
How are you Robert?
RealTechGuy says (08:04:12):
Robert Schwabe says to  (08:04:43):
Doing good how about you?
RealTechGuy says (08:05:20):
Episode 30:
Internet Marketing Strategy | Chat with Tech Savvy Agent Chris Smith

Episode 31
RealTechGuy says (08:05:33):
Pre- Black Friday | Cyber Monday Chat with Tech Savvy Agent Chris Smith.
Robert Schwabe says to  (08:06:29):
Hey Andrea great meeting you yesterday. I added you to my circle
LyndaWhite says to  (08:07:56):
I'm good,Robert..sorry, I had to log out and back in another browser to get sound. (Tp)
RealTechGuy says (08:11:02):
Episode 62
Mastering the 7 Levels of Communication with Michael J Maher
RealTechGuy says (08:11:28):
LyndaWhite says to  (08:15:54):
Affirmations may be corny - but THEY REALLY DO WORK!!
RealTechGuy says (08:16:15):
LyndaWhite says to  (08:21:40):
:D That's funny!
LyndaWhite says to  (08:22:57):
Amen..that's why everything is social and social is so important. We can't do it alone!
LyndaWhite says to  (08:23:46):
Love Mari..if you're not following her on FB and Twitter you should!
LyndaWhite says to  (08:25:43):
Awesome for Angie! :)
LyndaWhite says to  (08:26:24):
Angie's success has snowballed in the last month or two!
LyndaWhite says to  (08:30:00):
Awww I'm especially grateful for The Real-Tech Guy too. :)
RealTechGuy says (08:30:24):
Thank you guys for tuning in - hope you enjoyed the show ;)
LyndaWhite says to  (08:30:46):
Thank you, have a great day!!
Robert Schwabe says to  (08:30:47):
Thanks for doing the show
RealTechGuy says (08:30:52):
You guys rock ;)

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