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I have learned a tremendous amount about marketing from Jonathan. What I love about his marketing style is that he provides practical marketing solutions in plain english that any business owner can use to get better results.

Jimmy Mackin –

Read these 4 posts first

Here are four articles that’ll give you a thirty thousand foot overview of how you can use internet marketing to get more traffic, leads, and sales online.

  1. Using a Wordpress site to Get More Leads
  2. How to use Content Marketing to get More Traffic
  3. The Easy Way to Setup Your Email Marketing System
  4. You want Even More Leads?

Scroll down for tons more internet marketing articles

What do the new changes to Facebook mean to You?

The web is on fire with the news of Facebook’s Open Graph.  But the real question is, What do these changes mean to us as Real Estate Agents? My thoughts on Facebook’s Open Graph The web has been social for ages, Facebook just made it mainstream (with over 400,000,000 users.)  As an agent, this is […]

(Read Full Story) Facebook

How to Find Your Digital Self

Guest post by Chris Brogan You are probably reasonably good at your job. I know this without knowing you, because you’re reading articles and blog posts that might offer you insight into how to up your game, how to improve your results, and this means that you’re already better than all those people who know […]

(Read Full Story) Social Media Marketing

Two things You Need to know about Social Media

After an interesting day at the Stompernet conference Doug and I got together to chat about some of the things we heard throughout the day, in particular two things from the Social Media presentation.  The first  minute is our general chit chat, but after that we hit you with the Two things You Need to […]

(Read Full Story) Social Media Marketing

Mobile Marketing for Real Estate

How would you like to have an edge over all the other Real Estate agents in your area? Forget about Social Media, that’s yesterday’s news.  Web 3.0 is here and they’re calling it Mobile Marketing.  This type of marketing is hyper local, very targeted, and extremely effective.  This year Doug and I are putting a […]

(Read Full Story) Mobile Marketing

Why aren’t you using a membership site for your Real Estate business

Doug and I are at Stompernet this weekend learning all kinds of cool stuff.  One of the first sessions we attended was about using membership sites.  Have you ever thought about using membership sites in your Real Estate business? Watch this video to hear more about membership sites.

(Read Full Story) Internet Marketing Articles

What are Your Biggest questions about using New Media

Has this new fangled New Media “thing” got you so confused you don’t know whether you’re coming or going?  Don’t worry, you’re not the only one. This week Doug and I have planned a very special session where we’ll answer your most burning questions about using New Media marketing in your real estate business.  Whether […]

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Can you Really sell a house using Social Media?

I don’t blame you for wondering whether or not you can really sell a house using Social Media. If you were to rewind the clock 100 years I bet people back then were thinking, can you really sell a house using a Newspaper?  The answer to both questions is yes, but today one is more […]

(Read Full Story) Social Media Marketing