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I have learned a tremendous amount about marketing from Jonathan. What I love about his marketing style is that he provides practical marketing solutions in plain english that any business owner can use to get better results.

Jimmy Mackin –

Read these 4 posts first

Here are four articles that’ll give you a thirty thousand foot overview of how you can use internet marketing to get more traffic, leads, and sales online.

  1. Using a Wordpress site to Get More Leads
  2. How to use Content Marketing to get More Traffic
  3. The Easy Way to Setup Your Email Marketing System
  4. You want Even More Leads?

Scroll down for tons more internet marketing articles

Finally, the results are in and the “Survey Says…”

A few weeks back I wrote about the importance of Surveying Your Audience. Since then I’ve done another survey and I’d like to get your opinion on the results. Just a warning, some of these results are contradictory, so if you can help me understand what the hell these people (or you if you took […]

(Read Full Story) Internet Marketing Articles

The Community Effect on Facebook Pages

How many times have you heard some “expert” talk about building communities and getting into the conversation using Social Media.  It seems like everyone is reading the same book and regurgitating the same nonsense. To those so called “Experts” and “Guru’s” I say, “Show me the money!.” Talk is cheap, so rather than tell you […]

(Read Full Story) Facebook

Do You Think Adding 900 Fans in Two Days is Impossible?

Sometimes mistakes turn out to be the best discoveries. Last week I was working frantically to finish the first draft of a new product. I had only two days to whip out the recordings, videos, mindmaps, and transcripts before my wife and I were leaving for our first ever snowboarding trip. The morning of our […]

(Read Full Story) Facebook

Sneak Peak: Social Media Blue Print for Real Estate

With all this HYPE about how great social media is, are you still wondering how it can help your real estate business?  Wouldn’t it be great to have some clear instructions on how these social networks fit together to help you find more buyers and sellers? The Social Media Blue Print was created to teach […]

(Read Full Story) Social Media Marketing

Are you Surveying Your Audience?

If you’re not surveying your audience, how the heck are you supposed to know what they want? More often than not what you think your audience wants and what they really want are two different things.  The only way to find out for sure is to ask them. This week I polled my networks, including […]

(Read Full Story) Internet Marketing Articles

Perfect Example of What NOT to do in your Real Estate Marketing

Would you like to avoid looking like an a$$hole online?  Then you’d better read this post. If you’re not clear what spamming is, or what it looks like I want you to take a good hard look at this post, especially the picture of this joker who spammed the Real Estate Referral Group yesterday.  Every […]

(Read Full Story) Social Media Marketing

What was the Point? | New Media for REALTORs

Today I want to talk to you about the New Media for REALTORs series I wrote last month, specifically What was the Point? I’ve been telling you FOREVER that online marketing is all about the words you use, but if you’re like me you think talk is cheap.  So rather than tell you again How […]

(Read Full Story) Internet Marketing Articles