Learn Social Media Marketing Strategies Here

Want a shortcut to building your Brand and getting more leads using Social Media? Then check out this super easy course I’ve put together for you.

Learn Social Media Marketing in 7 days with the Social Media Blueprint

Are testimonials enough for Social Proof?

If you’re new to the online buzz, Social Proof is just the cool kids way of saying testimonials. In our increasingly digital world a testimonial can come in so many different forms. Today the old handwritten thank you letter is just not enough. If you have a Facebook and Twitter account your 2/3 of the […]

(Read Full Story) Social Media Marketing

5 Reasons REALTORs Should Use Social Media

Social Media has been around longer than you think. It’s only recently that the media has caught wind of it and it has become mainstream. Remember when people used to talk about My Space? That was mainstream social media. Even further back, remember blogging?  Yeah, that was and still is social media at it’s most […]

(Read Full Story) Social Media Marketing

Protected: Social Real Estate: CFRI Seminar

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

(Read Full Story) Social Media Marketing

Are We Really Friends?

This is a viral note I created for a recent campaign. It doesn’t make as much sense here as it did inside of Facebook. A lot of great discussions were started because of this note and a lot of friendships were solidified. Enjoy! ______________________________________________________________________________ You’ve been tagged in this note because I think we are […]

(Read Full Story) Social Media Marketing

Friends Vs. Audience, Part 2

Over the last few weeks I’ve been touting the importance of friends vs. audience, this week I decided to play the other side.  Friends are priceless, but without an audience you’ll be working much harder to get your message out to the masses.   I’m a bit of a stats geek, so I’ll be sharing some […]

(Read Full Story) Social Media Marketing

What The Beatles taught me about social media

Last month while in Las Vegas my wife and I were lucky enough to catch the Love Show at The Mirage.  For those of you who don’t know, the love show is Cirque du Soleil meets The Beatles.  During the show I was flushed with memories of my parents when I was a kid.   […]

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Social Media is an attention economy

In my last couple of posts I’ve talked about listening.  Recently a couple of my friends asked me why no one was listening to them no matter how hard they tried. When I asked them what they were doing they said things like posting interesting articles, pictures, and videos.  Immediately I spotted the problem. In […]

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